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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

T-Minus 6.....

.....days until Ty gets home!! How exciting. I feel bad because I haven't been updating his blog as regularly as I should be, I'm several weeks behind, but I've been doing it for 2 years, come on!! Cut me some slack.

By this time next week he will be here which is so weird. It seems like he just got dropped off but thinking about all that's happened in the last 2 years it seems like so long ago, but for the most part it went by super fast for us here at home.

Anyways, this week in between all the other stuff on my to-do list, I'm going to make a bunch of posters (I want to make one for each person who will be there but I don't know how many that will be). I might make a banner that he can run fast walk thru, that's always been a dream of mine his.

I'm also going to screen print t-shirts for friends and family who want one. They are pretty simple to do. So far I'm making about 10 but probably more once I get a few emails back. Here is the image I created in Word....seriously Word is the best I could do on my laptop, I have yet to install photoshop so it's a pretty pieced together image, oh well.

It started out with just the map of Chile with Welcome home Ty but then I decided that it would just look like people spilled something down the front of their shirt. Then I added the flag, but I had to recreate it so it would be similar in size/shape to the map. Since the Chilean flag looks like the Texan flag, I wrote it big letters what it was I was trying to convey with the map and the flag.....

wow that was a long, wordy, and pretty unnecessary description. I guess I don't have to explain my random actions.

Hmmmmm ok I'm either going to watch an episode of Arrested Development or read Jane many choices, and I'll probably do both considering I'll most likely be up for four more hours....ughh hopefully not again. Speaking of Jane Eyre, look at this thing I found today on Etsy. 
Super cute right? I'll take two : )



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