I'm blogging from a handy dandy blogger app. Thanks Nicole for introducing it to me. I actually am a little weary of it because the other night I spent like 12 whole minutes writing a blog and it got deleted....bummmmer.i had no desire to rewrite it so here I am now.
I wanted to quickly blog about our YW girls camp fundraiser. We are going to have a spaghetti feed and dessert auction this Saturday at 6pm at the NW building. There's a suggested donation of $20for a family or $6 per person. After dinner we have LOTS of yummy desserts to auction off. If you'd like to help send our wonderful YW to camp, we'd love to see you there!! We have an ambitious goal but everyone is so generous so I have a good feeling about it.
On another note today was kind of a no good rotten day again.....hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Valentine’s Day Secrets
6 days ago
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