on sunday we learned about goals in young womans. i remember having lessons about goals when i was younger but for some reason this lesson made me want to be serious about my goals this year. maybe it's because I'm older and need to finally get serious about life. i feel like i've been skating by the last few years and i'm not too proud of that. we learned that goals should be smart:
S - specific, significant, stretching
M - measurable, meaningful, motivational
A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable
so when i made up my list of goals i wanted them to fall under these categories and for the most part i think i did a good job i just need to focus on them and maybe if i do focus this year i'll actually have something to show for my life haha.
this might be a pretty boring post but it's more for me anyways and i don't think anyone really reads this anyways.
let's get on to it (these are in no particular order BTW)
2010 Goals:
1. learn to quilt
2. crochet an article of clothing other than a scarf or hat
3. write in my journal letters book
4. exercise in some way 3-4x's a week
5. Continue doing Prism diet
6. learn to cook some cool new things from other countries
7. come up with my own recipes (healthy)
8. blog more on both blogs
9. make knitted socks
10. keep myself & my room organized and clutter free (big one)
11. don't spend money so carelessly (got in a habit the last few months...bad news bears)
12. refinance my car in just my name
13. be more compassionate
14. use less sarcasm (this might be hardest!)
15. meet new people and make new friends
16. complete project 365
17. get a handle on my issues (ocd, anxiety etc...)
18. Visit Michelle in ID. and my uncle's family in UT.
19. Go to Russia (this might be put off until 2011)
20. be a more relaxed driver i'm too tense
21. finish my photography classes or get a big chunk of them done
22. be a better photographer and take risks
23. do something nice for somebody randomly
24. be a better visiting teacher
25. read the Book of Mormon straight through no skipping and jumping around
26. pick a Bible story a study it until i know it real well then pick another
27. collect vintage cameras (just go to more antique stores in general)
28. redecorate my room
29. get a life
30. do something spontaneous (ex: road trip, pick a place out of a hat and fly there)
31. read more
32. be a better friend
33. give $ to a homeless person on the side of the street (i realized it's not my place to judge them)
34. delete music from my ipod that isn't the best
so that's what i have so far for this year i feel like it might be too much but it can be something that i work on not just for 2010 but 2011 too :). well good luck with any goals you may have set i know i'll need luck and determination.
I always read your posts, and enjoyed them all.
You have some great goals, ones I think I should do. I think the one to go visit Michelle is a good one, but I would wait until some of the snow goes away. Better yet, maybe you should to go to school there! Good luck on reaching your goals.
Hi Amanda
I love your goal's list. I might take a few of your ideas as well.
I haven't read your blog in awhile either. I LOVE IT! I love your writing style. Finish the book!
I also love your goal about visiting us in Russia. That would be an ultimate high for us (remember to bring your mom even though I know she'd be scared :))
I really enjoyed this blog. You are a very creative person.
I have no clue how your careless money habits started a few months ago...weird... hmmm
also. I read be less compassionate and use more sarcasm. I mixed them up oops.
I agree with my mom! You should come to school here!! Or come visit at least. Ok... loveyoubye!
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