supplies: E600 clear heavy duty glue, mod podge, sissors, pencil, foam brush, magnets and clear stone things (not pictured)
(here are those clear stone things)
first, pick out some cute paper (this set of 6 i did a christmas theme with paper not necessarly christmas-y so they can be used year round...if that makes sense)
you can get cute paper from any craft store, i would recommend Treasury of Memories if you live in b'ham but michaels, joannes or paper zone would work too :).
next your're going to place the stones on the paper (i did one sideways and one up and down to get some variety) and trace them, this is very important you need to remember which outline goes with each stone, each stone is different. After it's traced, cut the shapes out.
next grab your foam brush and mod podge and brush the back side (flat side) of the stone liberally with the glue, it will dry clear so when you first put the paper on the stone it might look whiteish. then stick the paper, design side down into the glue so when you flip the stone over you can see the paterned paper.
after you give the mod podge a minute or two to dry, grad your magnet, stone and that stinky heavy duty glue and put a dollop of the glue onto the magnet then stick it glue side down on the paper. you want to let this dry for several hours or overnight so it stays glued. don't put them on the fridge until they are dry otherwise they will fall apart.
ta da! here are the finished products (the six on the right side are the ones i just made and the other ones were done a long time ago.)
you can use any paper with these things, i've even made them with pictures. just cut out the face in the picture you want on your magnet and do the same steps. it's easier with paper though. anyways they make a pretty cute gift. good luck!
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