Has there ever been a busier weekend? I don't think so!! Geesh.
Friday I had Nicole and Michelle over to play just dance 3 on the kinect. It was fun and we laughed A LOT but the game kept freezing so we just talked he rest of the night.
Saturday my alarm went off at 8am. Ughhhh haha I pushed snooze once or twice. Then Nicole and her dad came and picked me up. We headed in to yeagers sporting goods to stock up on girls camp supplies. I'm pretty sure we had five FULL carts parked by the register by the time we were done. We bought a lot of much needed camp supplies. We also scored 45% off our total order!! (sale thru the 31st the more you spend the more you save). After that, we drove to the hair supply store and met Michelle and Donna to stock up on some hair and nail supplies. It's always fun when Michelle visits but I tend to spend lots of money while she's here (while sumeltanisuly saving money). Then we ditched M and D and went to Costco to pick up just a few more coolers.... Four more to be exact. That brought our grand total to 5 coolers. We had to get creative with the car packing.
They dropped me off at home where I gathered supplies, went back to town to pick up one of our YW then took her to Nicole's house to do girls camp prep, which involved: oogling our new supplies, setting up our canopy inside out, then right side out, setting up Dutch ovens, sweating, cooking, fire making, more Dutch ovening, more camp prep and planning, then eating with the families, cleaning up and going home around 8ish. Pheeew.
Sunday my alarm was set a bit earlier than I would have liked, I went to a meeting before church, picked up some cutekids and brought them to church, gave a lesson in YW to two girls and two leaders. Went home sat for a few minutes, secretly tried to prep food for today. Then worked on my dads surprise gift.
Today I woke up a bit earlier again. Took pictures for a fun family at the park, rushed home, started Dutch oven cooking, deceived my father several times, prepared/cooked/cleaned some more. Then we ended it with a "surprise" dinner with just a couple families that we have done everything with since I was born. My dad didn't want a surprise party but he didn't mind too much once the jig was revealed. We ate a lot of food, ate lots of homemade whipped cream (Steve ;)) watched him open up a few small gifts, then I decided to give him one of my gifts early. I've been collecting memories from friends and family for like five months, then printed them and gave them to him to read. It was fun to listen to him read some of the memories and tell his versions. There were lots of people I got to write memories that I don't even know so that was extra surprising. They are going to keep building that book with more fun memories.
After everyone left we cleaned up, I got gifts ready for tomorrow's real 50th surprise gifts, sat for four minutes then left for work.
Now I'm blogging. Thinking about this coming week makes me tired but of I survived this weekend I can make it through this week ;)
Sunday Secrets
1 day ago
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