i had these two black and white ones requested and i masked the gold moroni back to gold even though it's hard to tell. the top photo has a texture run on top then again i removed the texture from the temple so it's just in the sky.

I had a few people ask me if i was going to sell some photos of the vancouver temple i took. so i thought i'd put a few up here if anyone is interested. i have a reallllly cool edit that i'm working on right now that i'm hoping will be similar to the Raymond Design temple photos (maybe?!). if anyone is interested i can post a price list for different sizes. i'm too tired now but hopefully i'll finish that other photo tomorrow-ish and post it. if you are interested let me know so i can put together some info for you.
also i'm hoping to go up one night after it gets dark and take some cool night photos. but that might have to wait until crazy july is over.
EDIT: If you would like a CD of one of the images to do what you want with we'll say that's $5.
hahaha uh hope you don't mind but I already stole one off facebook... muahahahah. I put it as my background on my computer. And I have had a bunch of kids in my class compliment me on it.. I do say that my friend took it... so I give you credit :)
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