Does anyone need a party planner? I'll do it!! Seriously baby showers, birthday parties, bridal showers, receptions, garden tea party, election party, ANYTHING. I really really really want to plan some partays. Just think, you could have all the glory of a fabulous party with none of the work!
I should be fair and warn you that I have no experience in this field but I think I could work it out. I love buying/making decorations and party stuff but don't NEED to buy/make anything so if I had an excuse that would be a good day.
Also if you need your house staged to be sold, I'm up for that as well :) All I need is a budget haha. Here are some fun party ideas:
Mystery party invitations. The person has to work to figure out their invite.
ummm AMAZING outdoor party. I can dig it. In fact if I could live in this picture I would.
Super cute table for a baby shower or something girly like that.
If you're healthy, we could do a veggy/fruit table! Heck yesssss.
My little brain has so many ideas bouncing around in it I think it might explode ;). Maybe I'll just have to stick to local baby showers for people. Wonder if I could get a sponsor to pay for it though...
Also if I plan a party, it will NEED to have these straws, so if I do get a budget I'll try my hardest not to spend it all on straws. I actually found a bulk seller that makes them veddy veddy cheap so it could work.
Anywho I should go start my day. I actually slept last night for almost 10 hours!! YAHOOO after this weekend of getting about 4 hours total I needed that!
4 days ago
YOU are amazing, I need some ideas for Bryce's graduation party, I'm tired of the same old, meat balls, wing dings and yady yady I really need someing fabulous, he is the first male to graduate on both sides of our family
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