I have been gone. in utah. for what seems like a long time. we were dropping my brother off at the MTC which is where he will train for his mission for
our church. i haven't had much of a desire to blog as of late blogger's been really weird and won't let me access my page on our main computer. it has been so hectic i haven't even thought/cared about it. here are a few pictures from our trip, i'll post more on faceboo.
ty pointing to CHILE where he will head off to in early november. i think this was in the conference center
we had to do a "dry run" of dropping ty off b/c my parents left on sunday and he didn't check in until wednesday. so we trekked to the MTC and stood in front of a building since they took down the MTC sign. we looked pretty suspicious but whatever.
here's the family minus me (it's great being the photographer!) in front of the salt lake temple just as the fountain started coming up.
here's the conference center. we had a great tour guide who gave us the DL about this building. it's pretty cool/inspired.
and last photo is of our whole family and my aunt and uncles family at the mt. timp. temple. we stayed with them in spanish fork...by the harry kirschna temple...SO COOL.
anyways so we are adjusting to life without ty around, it isn't too different b/c we hardly saw him anyways he was always at a friends house. oh maybe i should explain about the title of this post...i made ty a mission blog that can be
found here there is information on how to contact him and we will post letters/emails as we get them so everyone can be updated.
SURVIVOR STARTS WEDNESDAY! whhho's excited?! amanda's excited. just an FYI.
oh ya i also started my prism diet again today. i still have about 80 more calories until 1,000 the options are endless. i'm thinking a nice honeycrisp apple will hit the spot. here's to loosing 25 lbs in 5 weeks and peeing every 4.5 minutes! huzzah!
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