Gardening and just being outside in general has become one of my favorite things this summer. I never knew I liked gardening but apparently I do. One day I randomly mowed the lawn (usually Sam's job) but I just wanted to so I did. I quite enjoyed it- haven't done it for YEARS since my brother's took it over. Except it hurt my hand to hold down the lever. Also BUTTERNUT SQUASH is one of my favorite food so we're growing LOTS of it this year :)

Baby things. I've been spending way too much money on baby things as of late. My brother Ty and his wife Jessica are going to have their first baby in November and I can't stop buying things which is expensive :) but I've also been loving all the funy baby gifts. I've not only been buying girl things but one of my good friends is having TWIN boys. She's actually due around the same time as Ty and Jessica but will probably have them mid October.
Honey bees. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone I love these little things. I study them. I know lots of "useless" facts that aren't really useless, maybe just boring to those who don't like honey bees like I do.
This picture is a two-fer. I love sweet potatoes. Especially sweet potato fries. I like this little baby :) He's our YW mascot. His mom is the 2nd Counselor in our YW presidency. I had never talked with Kristy before last November when they called me to be the YW President but as soon as our Bishop extended the calling her name popped into my head and I was confused because I knew nothing about her but I followed the feeling and am so very glad I did. Nobody knew it at the time but she was expecting this little guy at the time so when we found out it was a fun surprise!

This is a picture of our YW Presidency (minus Dixie our secretary). I'm really grateful that both of these girls agreed to do this whole YW presidency with me because they do A LOT and I would be sitting in a corner sucking my thumb without their help/support! This pic was taken a few weekends ago at our stake's youth carnival. We had the topic of entertainment and media and we found out that our ward needed to provide a booth with an activity two days before the activity. So naturally we made our own shirts first. Priorities. They say #sharegoodness. Camden had to represent with # with his onesie too of course :) We had a 'selfie booth' and a quote game.
I've been really adventurous with my clothing choices as of late. It's kind of embarrassing but I don't know much about fashion, never have so I just go with it.
Personal Progress! I've always liked personal progress but I've developed a deeper appreciation for it over the last year. I actually just finished it for the 2nd time this last week so I've earned the fancy new medallion :)
This is weird but we had a 'book' baby shower party for Kristy so I ordered several funny baby books (meant mostly for the parents) but this one ended up in my cart for me and it's pretty funny.
Speaking of ordering and buying things. I'm obsessed with Amazon. Like for reals. I go on there almost every day even if it's just to browse. I order a lot of things for work as well. Plus you can't beat free 2 day shipping and if you're in a pinch $3.99 one day shipping :)
#'s are a big thing right now. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, just random everyday conversation :) I especially like the hashtag #sharegood.
I don't know that this is any healthier than regular mac and cheese but it's pretty delicious.
Instagram is my social media of choice. It's a photo sharing app that's like twitter but for pictures. I love seeing friends pictures and I'll be honest I post a little too often :)
SUPER excited for Apple's announcement this Tuesday where they announced the new iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 plus. Preordering begins tonight at midnight. It's a big decision and as you can see below I've been taking my options very seriously. The top left corner is what I'm working with now the 4s then the 5s and then the two new 6's. Super exciting.

Jimmy Fallon. I've always loved him but especially lately with the Tonight Show. I was pretty sad when I realized he was married lets be honest. He's hilarious.
I love writing. I've started writing many books (maybe 6ish now) some of them are close to being fully written but nobody else has ever read them. It's just a fun hobby. I love being lost in my own made up world.
I enjoy watching netflix sometimes. TV shows or movies but I don't do it very often. But I do love that the option is there.
My favorite shampoo/conditioner for the last couple years is Lavender Mint by tea tree. It smells so good.
ANOTHER social media type site...I need to get a life. But I love Pinterest...too much.
This author's name is Sarah Eden and I love everything she's every written and I buy her books as soon as they come out. I do not hesitate, or even read the book description. I know it will be wholesome, funny, entertaining, with great characters and plots. They are considered Regency Romance books. I highly recommend her. Karen Witemeyer is another author who writes similar books but they're mostly set in the United States in the 1800's but it's the same idea :)
Speaking of books. This app is called ^^ and it's like Netflix but for books. It's $8.99 a month and gives you unlimited access to all of their ebooks. They don't have everything but I've found lots to read. They have every genre and are adding more all the time. I signed up for a free trial and never cancelled it :)
Pad Thai. I love food can you tell? I make pad thai all the time and it's become a family favorite. YUMM
And that my friends is it. WHOA if you read that all you need a high five and a life ;) jkjk but really I go on and on but this is like my journal and I haven't written in it for awhile. So there's a few aspects of my life at this moment in time.