(Random fact, I've never seen UP! the movie...I have it, I should watch it.)
I took last week off for 'spring break' then said just kidding it's not really my spring break (mine's NEXT week) but I took it off anyway. My mom also had the week off and Sam went to Utah for the entire week. Heckkkk yes.
Well it wasn't a break. Each day we devoured another room leaving a wake of destruction as we went.
Seriously I now know where I get my crazy jump from project to project and start in the middle of things and go overboard with ideas/biting off more than I could chew. My Mother.
We shopped for supplies Monday morning and got started when we got home. This is what we did.
1. Re-painted 2 walls in my parents room
2. Started making two mirror frames -one for practice- and a 'picture frame'
3. Spent WAY too much time distressing/staining/gluing/figuring out said frames
4. Cleared out under my parents bed whoa!
5. Started cleaning out the garage in the middle of the 'crazy living room filled with junk from under the bed' project
6. Bounced between those three things for awhile
7. Cleaned/organized kitchen drawers
8. I decided I didn't like the hall closets and their lack of function so I spent about an hour figuring out new ideas for both the small hall closets
9. I started thinking about organizing the tool/work section of the garage
10. Re-did hall closets
11. Finished frames
12. Made new 72 hr kits and lists of emergency stuff
phew! It was a loooong week but it wasn't bad. I ruined four pairs of yoga pants, two sweatshirts, and a pair of socks or two. wah wah.
The entire point of this was to show you the closets!
Did I ever mention I love power tools? They love me too because I still have all of my limbs!
So my mom emptied this closet before I could take a 'before picture' lame. It was a hot mess. Stuff falling out EVERYWHERE shoved into each nook and cranny. For an idea of what it was like imagine all of this:
In that one closet....yiiikes. This was my Friday activity. Organizing this stuff, building the new shelves, and putting everything in it's new place.
not everything is folded nicely yet just seeing where things are going to go. |
This is afterwards. I hate wasted space and with a lack of storage it's important to think "UP!"
There are lots of things you can do vertically do make storage.
What?! Just ignore me. I re-do two closets and I think I'm Ty Pennington.
Here are some of the tubs I bought to organize. We found a fishing tackle box for like $6 and organized all of our medical stuff in it. I wanted a toolbox but we couldn't find a good one.
I labeled the top of the box to indicate what is in each slot of the First Aid box. If anyone needs moleskin between now and the apocalypse come on over.
The other good part of this closet is the over the door organizer. My mom found it at Costco and it seriously cleared out an entire kitchen cupboard and under a bathroom sink. So much storage. It's so vertical!
This is a before pic of the 2nd hall closet.
Really I don't make this up. Everything gets piled on.
A couple more befores
From this photo can you guess what I'm thinking? If you guessed, go "UP!" you're the winner! All of that wasted space makes my neck itch. I think a guy must have put this up....(my dad meant well!)
After making more shelves and some unscrewing and re-arranging This is what happened:
Coat racks up. Top shelf longer to fit all of the sleeping bags that were lodged in the top of the other closet before.
This is where the cleaning stuff going so they each have their spot that goes "UP!"
Put in the new shelf and wrapped it in damask contact paper. Just because. When I placed this shelf I measured the coats and screwed the shelf in right below the coats.
That shelf created a handy spot for the little cart of cleaning rags/supplies. There are also three boxes. One of them is full of plastic bags, one is for aprons (Nicole do you have some of my aprons from the FR?) and the other has misc. winter items that were buried.
The 'before' picture of this closet had that white cart in it. You just can't see it because it was buried under coats.
And it's done! There are the same number of coats in here are there were before. See how cool it is to go "UP!" (why do I keep doing that? It's dumb and I'm annoying myself).
You gotta do what you gotta do:
Conveniently/coincidentally everyone was gone Friday night so all of my limbs help build these projects :) There was some serious 'stud action' going on. I couldn't get the screws to go through the wall and some of them started smoking. So I had to readjust the shelf height but it finally worked!
Thinking vertically will give you A LOT more storage.
Tonight was spent trying to finish up the craft room. Pictures of that later ughh! Decided to paint it last minute so I did that tonight then made a craft table. OK I'm done I'll talk about that later.
OH one more- pictures of my HUGE completed mirror frame. FINALLY DONE!
Close up. If you want to have some fun, distress a piece of wood. Really awesome to purposefully ding something up.
Before and After picture. From ugly gold sliding mirror closet door to whatever it is now. haha. Big.