I'm a little (a lot) late posting this than I meant to, but such is life. I guess blogging about putting mayonnaise in your hair and bee keeping was more interesting at the time.
At the beginning of the month, I went on a 4 day scrapbooking retreat with my mom and some friends. We've been going to these for 4 or 5 years now and they are so fun!! Our friends Donna and Nicole along with a couple of their friends put these retreats on and they are amazing at it!! They come up with a theme then they stick to that theme. This year was Sweet Retreat. The first day Nicole made each of us a little luffa ice cream sundae. She got the little ice cream dishes, put a luffa in it then topped it with a red pompom and a straw. So cute.
The next night we all got one of those sleeping eye masks on our bed, seriously I love those things and mine had just broken so it was perfect, I've used it almost every night since.
One lady also does this really neat little spa type treatment every year. She bakes washcloths after she soaks them in water and a little essential oil then passes the warm (hot :)) washcloths around to everyone, it's very refreshing and gives everyone a nice evening boost.
They also hold an amazing raffle. I'm not much of a gambler for various reasons, one of them being I'm cheap cheap cheaperson. But I do like to support the raffle so I bought 5 dollars worth of tickets= 5 tickets. I put them all into this super cute vintage suitcase that was filled with cute scrapbooking paper, striped straws, stamps, candy, etc....I wanted that thing SO bad. When we did the auction, that was the first one they did. Everyone had put A LOT of tickets in it. But I WON IT!! I literally screamed a little, blew out an ear drum or two and squealed all while my face turned bright red :).
There were 2 other items up for auction. Then at the end, the raffle off the money to be used for your payment for the next retreat. Once again, they called my number....wooops. I only had 4 tickets in that bowl along with 134ish other tickets. That means I got $134 to put towards our next retreat. I felt so bad for winning half of the prizes but then I was so glad I had bought those 5 little tickets. Afterwards I felt like joining the lottery or whatever you do for the lottery, but I didn't. Read=Cheap.
That was a fun way to end the weekend for sure.
Along with winning some wonderful prizes, I also got A LOT done. I made over 80 cards, painted several wooden figurines (missionaries, captain amercia, among others), watched several episodes of Arrested Development, and caught up on missed sleep from girls camp. It was glorious even though the room my mom and I shared was boiling hot due to the sun that baked our room all day.
This is always a fun weekend with a lot of neat people, it's fun to see what others are working on and get inspiration from them. Nicole and I might have kept trading cards so we could copy each other ;).
Here are some pictures. I forgot I had my camera until the last day so there aren't very many.
my desk never stays clean for long. We each get a 6 ft. table to use all weekend and my mom and I shared a middle table for extra supplies and it still was SO messsssy. I work better in a little chaos though, unfortunately. This was after I had cleaned my desk off a bit...:/
a few of my 'guys'. My hands we SO shaky for some reason so they aren't great and the lines aren't straight but that's what I get for freehanding with a shaky hand. Oh well.
Hi Nicole!! Speaking of tables, hers is always super clean and organized. I want to be like that when I grow up.
here are a few of the cards I made. I tried to use up lots of scraps which I did!! Yay me. I also used up 4 small 6x6 paper packs which I was very proud of. These are just some of the styles I made, I tried to make several of the same card just to make it easier. I have a lot more where that came from though. Gray was my color of choice for the weekend I guess, I just realized gray is on almost card I made.
It was a fun weekend and I can't wait for next year!! My ADD has issues and I usually become a recluse during these weekends. I do like to be social sometimes but there are times I just need to block everything out and do my own thing for a few hours, so I tried to balance that this year. My headphones hurt my ears really bad though so when I got home I bought the most comfy pair I've ever owned, and they are noise cancelling which was great for my trip to Rexburg this last weekend.
4 days ago