Alright I said I was gonna post this several days ago and never did...not that anyone is really anxious about this fact but still, "I must not tell lies". My birthday was on the 16th and that weekend I happened to be in Monroe, at a scrapbooking house. The women in charge did a great job, making everyone feel welcome and comfortable. We each had a 'glamping' kit on our tables when we got there:
these girls know how to do themes (more on that soon). We also got a smore kabob (not pictured) on the last day. It was so themed and fun. I felt a little bad because I brought my computer which is a little large and I hid behind it for some of the time. I had a lot of wedding pictures to edit that HAD to be done that weekend and I was feeling very behind. So I settled into a photo editing mode and didn't surface for awhile. I'm just anti-social like that :D
Anyways back to themes...Saturday was my birthday!! holllla. Everyone knows I love love love Harry Potter and Nicole made the whole day Harry Potter themed for me!! I haven't had a fun birthday for a long time and I appreciated all the work and effort she put into it. When I woke up, this was on my table:
It's like the deluminator that Dumbledore left Ron which in the 7th book helps him find Harry and Hermione after he leaves them...anyways. Everyone got one of these keychain lights on their table.
A little while later I was sitting, editing and another lady comes up and hands me a single sock (it was way cute, pink polka dots). I had no idea why but I thanked her then read the little card which said this:
way cute right?! Well I wasn't quite sure what I'd do with one sock but I had made up a few plans for a stuffed animal (an idea I found online awhile back). Throughout the rest of Saturday people would randomly come up and give me single socks. I knew what was coming at this point but I was still confused because I had like 8 Different mismatched socks--but again I had plans-- then I started receiving their matches and I got really excited because I love socks. Actually I have an unnatural and perhaps unhealthy obsession with them? "I must not tell lies."
Here are some of the socks I had procured by the end of the day. I'm actually wearing a pair right now :) the black ones with the little polka dots right up there...see them?
That day I had decided I was going to find a movie theater to go see Harry Potter. I didn't think anyone else would want to go since it was a scrapbooking weekend and people get into a groove and don't want to be disrupted but Nicole and Tracy both wanted to go to. So we bought tickets for our 'brunch' showing of HP. Now, Monroe is basically in the middle of nowhere it seems, yet their movie theater, is the best I've ever been too, it's very similar to the Colossus in Vancouver. Stadium seating, plush, wide chairs that leaned back, a HUGE screen. Man it was a good theater to see HP in.
To document the HP day I took a photo of my ticket and it's possible I took a picture of the opening that legal? I think it is...the movie was much to short but I guess combined with the 1st half it's ok. I really loved this movie. It was my favorite and I think it's probably the best out of them all (although I do have a hidden love for movies 4 & 5). Overall I was pretty impressed and sure there are things I wish they would have kept in the movie, or left out...or lengthened (Mrs. Weasley vs. Belatrix and Fred's untimely death, I also wish they would have included Lupin and Tonks story a little more...) anyways, I digress...I could go on and on but overall I was satisfied.
The rest of that weekend was spent editing, pinning (when I had an internet connection), and working on my 365 Instagram Project!! Yahoooo. I finally came up with an idea to organize all my pictures for this year.
I bought blank 3x5 note cards, printed my explanation and the date on the bottom half of the card, then printed my pictures and glued them to random paper then attached that to the top of the card. Now I'm going to laminate all of them and either punch a hole in the corner and put them on a binder ring or find a card book to put them in. I just bought 44 dollars worth of laminating pockets...soooo ya... but I was glad to have made some progress with that, I'll have to finish them up at the next retreats :D
Overall it was a wonderful weekend, and even though I allow myself to get anxious and stressed out over dumb little things I had a great time. Thanks for everyone who participated in making the weekend super!!
Up next:
Cross stitching projects?! WHAT?! who does that?!
5 days ago