I want to go to India. Like reallllly bad. I've heard mixed reviews of it, some say it's dirty other's say it's so colorful and exciting. I think I would be one of the one's who thought it was colorful and exciting. I'm not sure where my desire to visit India came from, maybe from watching An Idiot Abroad (Funniest show ever) or maybe from watching Outsourced...or maybe I just watch too much TV? haha.
But seriously look at this COLOR!

THEY HAVE ELEPHANTS IN THE STREETS. Elephants are my favorite animal EVER.
The Taj Mahal is symmetrical on all four sides....sounds like my kind of building! And the Ganges might not be the best looking river but it would be cool to say you saw it!
The SPICES! I love Indian flavors and I'm sure the version of Indian food we eat here, vastly differs from their authentic Indian food but I think I'd like it....A LOT. Plus I love naan...who doesn't?!
I just want to step into these pictures and stay there for an extended vacation. Today is a crazy day, baby shower this morning and this afternoon is all about getting ready for our church's YW New Beginnings tomorrow...that's why I'm blogging in the middle of the day, I'm a great procrastinatior. I've just been dreaming about India and all the fun I could have there.
Now that I think about it, I think my desire to go there happened while watching the BYU channel. they did a show about these two women who visited a leper colony and instead of giving them money for food for that day, they started a micro loan business there and helped out hundreds of people suffering from leprosy. They taught them skills and gave them business opportunities so they could become self reliant. India is an extremely poor country so the fun sightseeing things would be great and shopping in the richer towns would be cool but to help out a whole population of people would be amazing.
Well that's all for random post number 3895238579487532. I really gotta finish up this stuff ASAP.