this has been a busy month just like july. we are getting ready to fly out to Utahrrr to drop my brother ty off at the MTC for his mission to Santiago, Chile (NOT chili:)). he reports on the 8th we will be there about ten days early. UGh i just spilled crystal lite almost on my computer. gosh dangit i hate blogger right now. why the heck did everything just underline and pretend to be a link right now?! OH MY GOSH i'm soooo annoyed. good thing i can't fix it. whatever!!!!! i'm looking into making my own website pretty soon, one that DOES NOT involve blogger. one that would be a site for a blog, my photography and the like. wait for it. it will be awesome. also blogger won't let me change my dumb layout that i've had forever and am sick of. i'm just batting 100 today.
Well...oh that worked....weird. well now that we are not typing like a link now i can get onto the rest of this post which is going to be about...BOOKS. i love to read. loooove loooove looove it. here are 3 books i'm currently reading and one book i will get in the mail Aug. 24th(!!!!!)