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Thursday, March 25, 2010
Craft time!
i bought this book yesterday. prettttty excited for it. i've always wanted to be a sewer and there was a time when i made little dresses, aprons and other random things but i haven't done any sewing for probably almost 2 years!
once this remodel is done, i will be downstairs sewing! i'm so excited. i need to find some real cute fabric on some good sales and start planning what i want to make.
today i think i will be making some of these little guys with shelley. i love them. i bought balloons yesterday and we all know i have a plethora of yarn. and it's almost april fools day i need to come up with some good ideas. i might break out the Hello Cupcake book and make some spaghetti cupcakes or TV dinner cupcakes :). we'll see.
that's all i have for today. too much stuff going on, have several friends in the hospital (having babies, having brain issues?) and lots of stuff i'm trying to do for girls camp. welp have a goooooood day!
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Most Satisfying thing you will EVER do!
is decorate a cake. this is the cake i made at the RS b-day dinner thing. i'm like a young martha stewart or something.
bahahahahaha JUST KIDDING.
THIS is the most satisfying thing EVER!

at least he got to eat it after ;). there was seriously 4 lbs. of frosting on that thing.
i encourage you to make a cake, decorate it, find a victim (willing...or not) and shove it in their face when they don't expect it.
sam kind of expected it but i did it when he wasn't looking. my dad taped it and my mom took pics...we are awesome.
werido didn't shut his eyes hahaha. it's very therapeutic for some odd reason. i wanted to do it again.
welp off to get ready to take some fashion photos for a 5 yr. old's b-day party!
thought you might like to see it in action, words don't do it justice.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
this is what i feel like. or something. i've been thinking i've hit a plateau in this dieting thing. i still don't eat sugar or white flour but i'm defiantly eating over 1000 calories a day. this has got to STOP ahhhh. also my water intake has decreased drastically. this too needs to change. i'm just sick of eating this way and not seeing results like before. i might just go back to phase one where i cut out ALL flour, all sugar, all potatoes etc...and just eat fruits, veggies and protein. probably a good idea. 35 pounds is good but i want more! muhahahaha.
ok off to work. days like today i'm glad i can wear jeans and a sweatshirt!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
these are a couple different tile options for the back splash. the one above is slate that would be laid like brick. (please continue to ignore the mismatched paint, it will be resolved soon i promise.)
this one is tumbled stone that would be laid in a diamond pattern. we can't decide which one we like better. so many choices. we seriously spent like 3 hours in the tile section at Home Depot the other day. awesome.
obviously it needs to be touched up and such but you get the general idea. it's called Warm Stone. It's kind of grey kind of brown kind of amazing. We are going to repaint all the white to make it look really nice. It is way darker than it was before but i love it.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Welcome Back...
pretty excited for this remodel to get done so i can make some delicious, sugar/white flower free goodness. just thought i'd put that out there. trader joes, i'm coming to you next week. watch out.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
the Great Debate
which will win in Amanda's blender race?! who knows. oh my gooooodness. WHY do i feel the need to buy a $400 blender? please, someone, anyone tell me! i've done some research and i'm leaning towards one. although just last week I would have said no way would I ever get anything other than a VITAmix...I feel I've changed my mind. This BlendTec is looking pretty awesome too. Costco, why do you play with my emotions like you do? One week VitaMix is on that little stage making cabbage ice cream look delicious then the next week BlendTec is up on that same stage making the same thing but with 1 more horsepower than VitaMix. is anyone still reading this? haha probably not. I'll end my rant now. I'm still not 100% sure I'm even going to buy one, it's like 2 car payments. decisions decisions. does anyone have either of these? what do you think?
well on to less stressful matters. I'm thinking of ordering some of these little beauties. from this:
the Poster List, website. i guess i really like to spend money or something. i'm thinking 3 of these hanging over my bed would be pretty neat-o now i just need to decide which ones to get! i have way too many choices to make in my life gosh.
i bring it all on myself i tell you.
well i've been blogging a lot lately....weird. i haven't been blogging about anything important (have i ever?!) it's getting boring around these parts with this remodel going on and such. good news, i think he'll be done in 2-ish weeks! the hardwood flooring is almost all done, just half the kitchen and the stairs left. the new wall covering the brick is up and the counter tops got in the other day so things are moving along. i'll spare you the photos since i kind of over do it sometimes.
ok i'm going to be done now. i'm sure nobody even made it through this weird random post anyways ;).
Monday, March 1, 2010
Battery Exhausted
i feel like once my life is back on track this is my next project. it's a frame that michelle bought me for christmas made out of rolled up magazines. it can't be that hard to make right? i just think it looks really cool. i'm collecting fun, mismatched frames to decorate one wall. i have 4...
also that barnes and noble gift card in front of the frame...i FOUND IT FINALLY! i got it for christmas from one of the residents parents and i lost it but i just found it on saturday!! phew
i also don't think i ever blogged about this beauty. this was the last photo i could take before my camera pooped out on me so it's terrible but whatever. it's a BIG HUGE BLACK LOVELY FRAME! i plan on punching out that UNG Drill cardboard and using it as a photography prop. excellent! only at Ikea people. i could literally live there. (p.s. the camera used in these photos is NOT i repeat, NOT my "real" camera, it's just a dumb point and shoot...)
and last but not least MORE remodel pics. you're probably tired of them but it's my life right now what can i say?
we did the bar cabinets a dark brown and i love them.
these are the rest of the cabinets (no counters yet boo)...i didn't choose that color...just saying. i like it though. i wish we could PAINT sooon i'm sick of that splotchy yellow wall. i have some amazing colors picked out. hopefully they translate well :\
he started on the floor today! that's pretty exciting. last week he got the fireplace outta there and started framing the wall he's going to put in front of the brick for the flat screen :). can't wait until it's done. i'm so over living downstairs and not having any way of cooking anything except by microwave. although yesterday i did break out the electric skillet to make some indian curry. yum.