allow me to explain:
paper tower...not even close to all the paper in this room. there is more under the desks but I chose not to photograph it.
one of the embellishment/stamp bookcases....ONE of them. this room used to be a 2nd kitchen but we ripped out some appliances to make room for all our junk...stuff. those brown cupboards to the right have more craft stuff and my darkroom equipment.

another embellishment/stamp/random things bookcase, there is another side to this but it mostly has books and movies.
another embellishment/stamp/random things bookcase, there is another side to this but it mostly has books and movies.
this you can't really tell from the photo but it's stacked as high as a bookcase and that thing on the left is from Mervyns store when they closed. and those bins have most of the yarn/fabric. we only have 8 of those filled....
here is the stamp ink center as well as random tools and another accessory holder....we DON'T have a problem...
paint/ribbon/glue center. WAY more ribbon where that came from. i have to have some dignity left.
here's the visitor's table where people can work if they come over but I seem to have commandeered it since my table is currently like the rest of my life and a HUGE MESS. what can I say I "love" chaos.

here is the movie/ipod/more ribbon/foam stamp window sill. you have to be entertained while you work.
here is the movie/ipod/more ribbon/foam stamp window sill. you have to be entertained while you work.