we love pizza in this house. it's the one thing that everyone will eat but we were sick of the same old pepperoni and it's not the best for us, so one day many months ago i came up with my own version of pizza, this is my story:
(sorry i couldn't resist..too much intervention i guess)maybe i should tell you what kind of pizza we're making, BBQ Chicken and White sauce, spinach, feta, & chicken 'za. it's goooood i tell youFirst: Dough
i don't like bread machines for making bread, i like them for making dough, the pizza dough recipe i use is just one that came with the recipe book for our machine. usually i make whole wheat dough but we didn't have any fresh ground and i couldn't find the wheat grinder so i used white flour. i get 3 thinner crusts out of one recipe. i make dough about an hour and a half before i want to have dinner done. but it could be done earlier or buy already made dough.
Second: ChickenI don't have a picture but i think everyone has cooked chicken before. i make a dry rub using garlic and onion powder, a little salt and a little chili powder just to add some taste to the chicken. make enough to cover 3 pizzas. i make this in advance like hours before just to have it out of the way. just store it in a ziplock in the fridge.
Third: White Sauce
very simple: 1 Tbl. dry ranch mix, 1/2 scant C mayonnaise (i used 1/2 C the first time and found it was too much so i cut it down a bit the 2nd time), 1 Tbl. minced garlic---mix all ingredients together, i usually have to thin it out a little bit with some ranch dressing from the bottle. i make this beforehand too and stick it in the fridge for the flavors to become friends.--don't be turned off by the little bit of mayo, i was a first but it turns out ok.
Fourth: Ingredients

here are the ingredients, spinach, chicken, white sauce, olive oil, bbq sauce, cheese mix & feta optional but not pictured: caramelized onions---gag me i avoid this at all cost.
after rolling out the dough, spread enough bbq sauce on to cover the whole thing, don't go overboard but put enough. i use an offset spatula, best invention ever.

layer the chicken on top of the sauce then top with cheese. you don't need too much cheese. sometimes we put pineapple on it just for fun.
the finished product! mmm. it holds up pretty nice after it's sliced (i sound so weird).
Spinach, Feta, Chicken & White pizza:
again roll out the dough, then i pour a little bit of extra virgin olive oil and spread it around. don't put too much just a little bit. next spread the white sauce over the EVOO, i don't put too much of this either b/c i don't like it too saucy but i thinly cover it.

put the spinach all over the sauce, it cooks down a bit so use a little more than you think. put the chicken on top of that.

then put a little bit of the regular cheese mix on i
accidentally put a little too much. then put the feta all over the top of that...
mmmm put lots please.

and the finished product again! i always bake this kind on the stone, if anyone cares. they are both baked at 425 for about 15 minutes, until the crust is light brown.
if you are over the same old same old pizza, this is a nice change and even the boys will eat it which is a miracle in and of itself.
i'm not the best food photographer when i'm covered in flour and sauce so don't judge the pizza by my poor pictures. if anyone would like the dough recipe i can email it or just use one you already have.

i'm not feeling very good so
i'm going to finish drinking my mint herbal tea with honey and lay down for a bit and watch amazing race.
woohoo. go short guys! and guy who wrote school of rock! and the hillbillies (oh wait they are gone).