#1 Happy thing

the narnia-esque picture i took of the chapin family last weekend. i'm still working on editing their pics but it's one of my favorites.

rayme working the camera just like the girls in his family. seriously i was crying i was laughing so hard. they are a bunch of silly gooses (geese?!) that's why i like them so much. he'll probably appreciate this picture. i warned him as we were taking the pictures that he might regret them.
my aunt lauras pretzel/raspberry jello thing. it has a pretzel crust with a cream cheese/whipped cream middle topped with raspberry jello and pineapple and frozen raspberries. mmm freaking mmm. it is so good. (my aunt/uncle and family were up this last week and we had fun despite the snow.)
knitting baby wash clothes and finishing them in just a short amount of time. that blue one has a butterfly on it and the pink one below is like an eyelet one with intentional holes that you can't really see.

the hunger games book on tape. seriously. LOVE IT! i had the actual book but returned it after reading 3 pages now i can't hardly turn it off after getting it on CD. also those headphones were FREE thanks to my families addiction to diet pepsi i earned enough points to get some free stuff from amazon. but back to the book, read it or listen to it. seriously i love it and am almost done with the thing. very very good.
not being able to find a cd player to listen to the hunger games and being too lazy to put them on my ipod so i've been stuck next to a computer for the last 2 days listening to it. so i've been knitting a lot. i love to read but i don't like to take the time but this way, i can listen to a good book and accomplish knitting projects, photoshoping pics for people and blogging...
chrey also got me this game which i think we'll be playing tonight =). abby also got me the twilight soundtrack which i also love.
this purse that my dad picked out for me for christmas. this is a terrible picture but it's really cute. he got one for my mom too but hers has red handles. we just can't go anywhere together anymore.

the recipe book my mom got me. i love it. the first day i already filled up most of my coordinating cards with recipes. luckily i can order more. (it's filled with some recipes from my aunt laura and uncle andy which i can't wait to try.)
this kit i got from target for 4 bucks. i love anything minty.
another target find for 20 bucks. a small bookcase to fit under my shelf. i finally got rid of the big white beast that took up 1/3 of my room. now i just have to refocus on the other side of my room.
an overflowing yarn basket, with more in the michaels bag. but it's gross right now b/c i have a freaking cat who pushes my door open with his head and rips them all apart. it makes me mad.
a new cabling needle so i can learn to cable knit. woot woot.
my homemade stocking from when i was a baby. i love how in our PEACE stocking hangers mine is on the A, for amazing...or amanda...
shelley rocking out christmas morning with her new, blue box (ipod shuffle). she hasn't taken that thing off her ears i don't think.
after a long night of babysitting that was a little rocky in the beginning, this is how it ended. well i spent the night so we still had the morning and the only issues we had then were me not cooking the scrambled eggs right (who knew?!) and not having any leggings to go with a skirt. this was just before bed time i told them i had a special surprise for them if they all got ready for bed. then i told them to get a blanket and a pillow and a book. then we read christmas stories. i'm so glad nolan likes to read b/c i had him read aloud after my voice went horse after 2 books.
and a couple more favorite/happy things are the new 007 Wii game which i dominate. and shawn white snowboarding for the wii. and some spoonulas from rachel rays line. a new cast iron enamel pot from martha stewart. and this picture:

which about sums up our christmas morning. i guess it's a tradation even though i don't drink pop i guess it makes for a good photo. what better way to keep them cold?!?!